Saturday 28 May 2011

A soothsayer called Google

A very odd thing came up on my stats the other day. 
By stats I mean, the number of views I get per post, the number and name of countries (ahem ahem) I get them from, what links brings them here etc etc.
What caught my attention were the search words that bring people to The FT.
Two of which were:
"Tickle women".
Do you actually need Google to teach you how to tickle women?

And that's not all. 
Type "how" in Google and you will be surprised at the list of options that it throws you. 
How to kiss?
How to get pregnant?
Type "how can" and you will see that one of the most searched option is "How can I make India proud?'
(By the way, the internet has already laid out a game plan for you to make your motherland proud one day.
No. Please don't go out and actually "do" something.)

I still remember how one of my friends told me that she, and her male best friend, together googled  "Can two best friends fall in love?"
And guess what? It showed About 118,000,000 results in 0.17 seconds.
A "How to get over a break up?" will throw you 35 million results in 0.14 seconds.
So many options.
So much to read.
So many opinions.
So much advice.
Yet so many unhappy people.

People. People. People. 
Google is not an oracle. 
It is not a soothsayer. 
It is not a crystal ball.
It doesn't have the answers to life's questions. 
So stop asking ridiculous things.

People get hurt. 
People want to constantly talk about it. 
And this revolutionary, life changing technology called the internet lets them do that.
However, it's only once you move your arse that you will:
Make India proud.
Get famous.
Learn to kiss.
Get over someone.
Lose weight.
And finally. Most importantly.
Tickle women.

Wednesday 4 May 2011


It's a question we ask ourselves from time to time. 
Some of us never need to ask that question. 
Those some of us have probably never made mistakes or don't have the courage to admit they did. 
It's not their ego actually.
It's just plain cowardice.
Yes, we all make mistakes. 
And yes as hard as we try not to have them, we do have regrets.  

But back to what were you thinking? 
What made you take those decisions? 
Was it that "bad" choice in a bf/gf? 
A job that just made you feel horrible about yourself? 
30 tequilla shots? 
Running naked on a moonlit beach? 
What was that unexplainable, "well thought out" decision that made you ask this cliched, (used in every american sit com there is) question?
Really what was it? 
Take some time and think about it.

Take a deep breath.

Have you thought about it?

Really, you actually did that? 

You are weird.

But that doesn't matter.
What matters is that you actually asked yourself this question.
It matters when you are being honest with yourself. 
When you are not in denial. 
When you can question yourself even when you have no concrete answer. 
But that's all ok. 
That's the thing about mistakes. 
They need to happen. 

A bad bf/gf, lets you know what you want in life is more important than what you need.
A shitty job, will probably teach you to handle jerks and look out for opportunities that would not only give you a good package but a happy one.
30 tequilla shots will make you realise just how precious your liver is.
Running naked on a beach? Hmmm, I honestly don't know how that would help. Maybe it will teach us the importance of underwear? How they are designed to hold things?

All that matters is that we learn from what we think are stupid experiences. 
They usually aren't. 
They are happening for a particular reason.
When you can't see that reason is when you have regrets.
Regrets is not a bad word but a useless one.
How can anyone have regrets if they have learnt something?
The something, that was learnt just because of that bad experience. 
That mistake.

So who cares what you were thinking. 
You are thinking now.