Wednesday 7 December 2011


Whenever I walk into a store, and if there is a stationery section, you will find me there. 
I can't help but love:
those tiny little post it pads to write profound notes on;
those colorful A4 sized notebooks to pen down significant thoughts and ideas;
and those sharpened Staedtler pencils always ready to scribble, scratch out and sketch; 

Every time I browse through this section, I have this vision.
At home I would be sitting on my antique mahogany desk, writing furiously into that freshly bought designer notebook . My focus makes me proud. My life has purpose and meaning. As I write about change, the world of the future and....
In reality I have no mahogany desk at home. And it's not antique, but obsolete. 
In fact great writers, thinkers and visionaries seldom need the post it notes and expensive diaries and different colored pens. And they never wait to sit at their mahogany desk to bring their dreams to life. They probably only owned one after they made their money.
In spite of knowing this truth, we still buy those little things that make us dream of all that we can be. 
We take them home, or put them in our bags or place them on our desks. 
And when inspiration strikes, we never know where to find them.
 Why? Because you never needed them in the first place.
We buy them because they are cute.
We buy into the idea of making us look intelligent and organised. 
And most importantly we want other people to believe we are creative and persevering.

It's a love affair that ends up being a one night stand.
A relationship of pure lust and absolutely no commitment.
Do I blame myself? Never.
After-all, it's those things that seduce us. 

Recently, I walked into a store and picked up this tiny notebook held shut with an elastic band.
It was Rs.315 for 4inch by 4 inch 200 pieces of ruled paper. That is bloody expensive.
However, my rational brain stopped working as I began to read what it had to say.
It was a tiny book to catch inspiration (TM). 
Wow. What a thought.
Let's say it again. "To catch inspiration". 
Inspiration is fleeting and floating and flying through the air. And all we have to do is catch it by opening this book and shutting it tight.
And yes, inspiration can strike anytime and I need to be ready.
I need this wonderful catching mechanism.
Need it.
My insights, ideas, comments, opinions, observations all jotted down. In Rs.315.
Wow. What a philosphy. What a lifestyle. 
Spiritual. Clean. Simple.
Do I need to spend Rs.315 to make something bigger out of my life? No.

Did I buy it? Obviously I did.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it. Will have to brush up my vocabulary to be more original in my comments. Till then you will have to do with "Just superb".
